Transistor BUZ90AF:
- The transistor is an electronic component with three active electrodes which is used in most electronic circuits, it allows to control a current or a voltage on the output electrode This is a bipolar junction transistor named BUZ90AF.
Product Description
- The transistor is an electronic component with three active electrodes which is used in most electronic circuits, it allows to control a current or a voltage on the output electrode This is a transistor named BUZ90AF .
- Type: BUZ 90 AF
- Vds: 600V
- Id: 4A
RDS(on): 2Ω
Package: TO-220 AB
Ordering Code: C67078-S1321-A3
- Technical sheet :https://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/45077/SIEMENS/BUZ90A.html
- High speed switching
- Low RDS(ON)
- Easy driver for cost effective application
- Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device
- performance and reliable operation
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