PIC18F4620-I/P Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers:
Operating Frequency: DC – 40 MHz
- Program Memory (Bytes): 65536
- Program Memory (Instructions): 32768
- Data Memory (Bytes): 3968
- Data EEPROM Memory (Bytes): 1024
Product Description
This family offers the advantages of all PIC18 microcontrollers namely, high computational performance at an economical price – with the addition of high endurance, Enhanced Flash program memory. On top of these features, the PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620 familyintroduces design enhancements that make these microcontrollers a logical choice for many high performance, power sensitive applications.
- Technical sheet: https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/115982/MICROCHIP/PIC18F4620.html
Operating Frequency: DC – 40 MHz
- Program Memory (Bytes): 65536
- Program Memory (Instructions): 32768
- Data Memory (Bytes): 3968
- Data EEPROM Memory (Bytes): 1024
- Interrupt Sources: 19
- I/O Ports: Ports A, B, C, D, E
- Timers: 4
- Capture/Compare/PWM Modules: 1
- Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM Modules: 1
- Serial Communications: MSSP, Enhanced USART
- 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Module: 13 Input Channels Channels
- Resets (and Delays)/ POR, BOR, RESET Instruction, Stack Full, Stack Underflow (PWRT, OST), MCLR (optional), WDT
- Programmable Low-Voltage Detect: Ye s
- Programmable Brown-out Reset: Yes
- Instruction Set: 75 Instructions; 83 with Extended Instruction Set enabled
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