GY-521 MPU-6050 MPU6050 module 3 Axis analog gyro sensors Accelerometer Module

Iic i2c GY-521 MPU-6050 mpu6050 3 axis gyro analog sensors + 3 axis accelerometer module for arduino with 3-5v dc pins

SKU: SLY3208 Category:

Product Description


  • A 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer Easy to get in your project!
  • Features: MPU-6050 modules (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis accelerometer)
  • Use chip: MPU-6050
  • Power supply: 3-5v (internal low-loss regulator)
  • Communication modes: IIC standard communication protocol Built-in 16-bit AD converter in-chip, 16-bit data output
  • Gyroscope range: 250 500 1000 2000°/s
  • Acceleration range: 2 4 8 16g
  • Immersion Gold PCB machine soldering process to ensure quality 2.54mm pin pitch.


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