NPN bipolar transistor BU2508DX :
- The transistor is an electronic component with three active electrodes which is used in most electronic circuits, it allows to control a current or a voltage on the output electrode This is a bipolar junction transistor named BU2508DX.
- A bipolar transistor is a type of transistor that uses both electrons and holes as charge carriers.
- Voltage: 700V.
Product Description
- The transistor is an electronic component with three active electrodes which is used in most electronic circuits, it allows to control a current or a voltage on the output electrode This is a bipolar junction transistor named BU2508DX.
- A bipolar transistor is a type of transistor that uses both electrons and holes as charge carriers.
It has 3 terminals, which are:
- Transmitter.
- Collector.
- Based.
- Type: bipolar NPN
- Model #: BU2508DX
- Voltage: 700 V.
- Technical sheet :https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/608382/SAVANTIC/BU2508DX.html
- For use in horizontal deflection
- circuits of color TV receivers
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