Integrated circuit AN5522:
- The integrated circuit (IC), also called electronic chip, is an electronic component, based on a semiconductor, reproducing one, or more, electronic function (s) more or less complex (s).
- Voltage: 60v
Product Description
- The integrated circuit (IC), also called electronic chip, is an electronic component, based on a semiconductor, reproducing one, or more, electronic function (s) more or less complex (s).
- Product series: AN5522
- Voltage: 60V
- Operating temperature range: -24 to 84 ° C
- Technical sheet :
- Low drop voltage.
- Load regulation: 0.2% typical.
- Optimized for low voltage.
- Thermal limitation on chip.
- Integrated thermal shutdown.
- Good noise rejection.
- Low dropout adjustable or fixed to three terminals.
- High efficiency linear regulators.
- Station regulators for switching supplies.
- Battery chargers. Active SCSI terminators.
- Laptop power management.
- Battery powered instrumentation.
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